20 februari 2016

LIGO Detected Gravitational Waves from Black Holes

Som jag väntat på detta! :-)
Detection | LIGO Lab | Caltech

NSA TAO Chief on Disrupting Nation State Hackers

Nothing new but still interesting.

USENIX Enigma 2016 - NSA TAO Chief on Disrupting Nation State Hackers - YouTube

From his role as the Chief of NSA's Tailored Access Operation, home of the hackers at NSA, Mr. Joyce will talk about the security practices and capabilities that most effectively frustrate people seeking to exploit networks.

7 februari 2016

3 februari 2016

Obtaining and Detecting Domain Persistence

Ta över en domain controller. Beskriver flera sätt att bibehålla access till en domain controller. Beskriver även hur en försvarare kan se händelser i loggarna. Mycket bra presentation.

DEF CON 23 - Grant Bugher - Obtaining and Detecting Domain Persistence - YouTube