13 september 2023

24 augusti 2023

12 augusti 2023

Machine Learning for N00bs -- Sam Bowne

Från Defcon 2023
> https://samsclass.info/ML/ML_Sum23.shtml
> Machine Learning for N00bs
> Understanding Prompts
> ML 130: Prompt Injection (95 pts extra) <https://samsclass.info/ML/proj/ML130.htm>
> ML 131: Generating Python Code with Bard (40 pts extra) <https://samsclass.info/ML/proj/ML131.htm>
> Violent Python Challenges <https://samsclass.info/124/VP_Sum23.htm>
> Google Learning
> GL_Badges: Google Learning (90+ pts extra) <https://samsclass.info/ML/proj/GL_Badges.htm>
> Awareness: Demonstrating Capabilities
> ML 100: Machine Learning with TensorFlow (65 pts extra) <https://samsclass.info/129S/proj/ML100.htm>
> ML 101: Computer Vision (10 pts extra) <https://samsclass.info/129S/proj/ML101.htm>
> ML 102: Breaking a CAPTCHA (10 pts extra) <https://samsclass.info/129S/proj/ML102.htm>
> ML 103: Deblurring Images (40 pts extra) <https://samsclass.info/129S/proj/ML103.htm>
> Technical: Inner Components
> ML 104: Analyzing Input Data (20 pts extra) <https://samsclass.info/129S/proj/ML104.htm>
> ML 105: Classification (15 pts extra) <https://samsclass.info/129S/proj/ML105.htm>
> ML 106: Data Poisoning (10 pts extra) <https://samsclass.info/129S/proj/ML106.htm>
> Attacks
> ML 107: Evasion Attack with SecML (40 pts extra) <https://samsclass.info/129S/proj/ML107.htm>
> ML 108: Evasion Attack on MNIST dataset (40 pts extra) <https://samsclass.info/129S/proj/ML108.htm>
> ML 109: Poisoning Labels with SecML (30 pts extra) <https://samsclass.info/129S/proj/ML109.htm>
> ML 110: Poisoning by Gradients (40 pts extra) <https://samsclass.info/129S/proj/ML110.htm>
> ML 111: Poisoning the MNIST dataset (40 pts extra) <https://samsclass.info/129S/proj/ML111.htm>
> Defenses
> ML 140: Deep Neural Rejection (45 pts extra) <https://samsclass.info/ML/proj/ML140.htm>
> Large Language Models
> ML 120: Bloom LLM (30 pts extra) <https://samsclass.info/129S/proj/ML120.htm>
> ML 121: Prompt Engineering Concepts (20 pts extra) <https://samsclass.info/129S/proj/ML121.htm>
> ML 122: Comparing LLMs on Colab (20 pts extra) <https://samsclass.info/129S/proj/ML122.htm>

29 juni 2023

The Keys To The Kingdom and The Intel Boot Process - Eclypsium


The Keys To The Kingdom and The Intel Boot Process

June 28, 2023

Intel-based computers implement various hardware, firmware, and cryptographic algorithms to preserve the integrity of the platform.

Power LED Attack - Computerphile

27 maj 2023

Gandalf | Lakera - Prompt Injection

Try to solve this
> https://gandalf.lakera.ai/
> Prompt injection
> Your goal is to make Gandalf reveal the secret password for each level. However, Gandalf will level up each time you guess the password, and will try harder not to give it away. Can you beat level 7? (There is a bonus level 8)

More discussion and help on https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35905876

3 maj 2023

Raphael Mudge - Armitage and Cobalt Strike developer

> Raphael Mudge
…….My foray into this work was the open source Armitage project <https://web.archive.org/web/20211006153158/http://www.fastandeasyhacking.com/> [code <https://github.com/rsmudge/armitage>], released late 2010. Armitage was a scriptable red team collaboration tool built on top of the Metasploit Framework <https://www.metasploit.com/>. Its purpose was to facilitate (and explore best practices for) red team collaboration at the cyber defense exercises I provided volunteer red team support for (e.g., the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition <https://www.nationalccdc.org/>).
> In 2012, I launched the Cobalt Strike <https://www.cobaltstrike.com/> security testing product and started to sell licenses for it under the banner of Strategic Cyber LLC. When I brought Cobalt Strike to market in 2012, the commercial market for red teaming tools didn't exist. The practice of red teaming was embryonic and existed in few places. I believed red team security tests, informed by adversary practices, were needed. I created Cobalt Strike to support these testing ideas and spur interest in the practice area….

29 april 2023

12 april 2023

3 april 2023

Creating subtitles from a movie using openAI whisper application

Install openai whisper on macos using homebrew (more info at https://brew.sh/ ) :

>brew install openai-whisper

#create subtitle from a .mp4 movie and save the result in a .srt file e.g movie.mp4

> whisper -f srt "movie.mp4"

#whisper -h for more command line options
#Rename .srt to same filename as the .mp4 file e.g movie.mp4 and movie.srt

Open movie.mp4 in e.g VLC.app (videolan app) and select Subtitles->Subtitles Track menu

To burn in the subtitle in the movie use handbrake.app

Open movie.mp4 in handbrake.app

Click in Subtitles button

Click in Tracks popup menu and select Add External Subtitles Track…

Select the movie.srt file

Click on Burned In button and select Language that movie.srt file contains e.g English

Click Start to encode and burn in the text.

Regeringen miljardsatsar på digitalisering – "Sverige har halkat efter" - Computer Sweden

> https://computersweden.idg.se/2.2683/1.777946/regeringen-miljardsatsar-pa-digitalisering--borjar-se-andra-lander-springa-forbi

31 mars 2023

Searching for RPC Functions to Coerce Authentications in Microsoft Proto...

Thresholds Are for Old Threats: Demystifying AI and Machine Learning to ...

To decrease the CPU demands for an application

 To decrease the CPU demands for an application

Save the bash script below in a file called cpulimit.sh and give it executions rights with chmod.

-----CODE START----

#! /bin/bash

# Description:

# Tested on Macos and Mac OS X.

# If you want to decrease the CPU demands for an application

# you can use this very simple and ugly "hack". 

# I use it when I e.g convert videos on my MacBook Pro, compiling things, ...

# to prevent it from getting to warm. Even if the CPU is IDLE this simple hack

# will prevent the application to use the CPU during Sleep Time

# (in contrast to renice/nice commands which will take all IDLE time). 

# Hint: To get the PID (Process ID), first run command top -u in one Terminal window.

# Usage: ./cpulimitrob.sh



echo "Which process ID (PID)? "

read pid

echo "Sleep time in seconds? "

read sleeptime

echo "Run time in seconds (e.g 0.5 or 1 …)? "

read runtime



while true


if [ $i -eq 1 ]


kill -SIGSTOP $pid

sleep $sleeptime



kill -SIGCONT $pid

sleep $runtime



echo -n $dot


---CODE END----

19 mars 2023

OpenAI checked to see whether GPT-4 could take over the world | Ars Technica

"...Preliminary assessments of GPT-4's abilities, conducted with no task-specific fine-tuning, found it ineffective at autonomously replicating, acquiring resources, and avoiding being shut down 'in the wild...'" 

6 mars 2023

It's Time to Assess the Potential Dangers of an Increasingly Connected World


It's Time to Assess the Potential Dangers of an Increasingly Connected World

With critical infrastructures ever more dependent on the cloud connectivity, the world needs a more stable infrastructure to avoid a crippling cyberattack.

CISA Red Team Shares Key Findings to Improve Monitoring and Hardening of Networks | CISA


The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is releasing this Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) detailing activity and key findings from a recent CISA red team assessment—in coordination with the assessed organization—to provide network defenders recommendations for improving their organization's cyber posture.

17 februari 2023

GitHub - cisagov/RedEye: RedEye is a visual analytic tool supporting Red & Blue Team operations

> https://github.com/cisagov/RedEye

Ascon – Authenticated Encryption and Hashing

 Lightweight Authenticated Encryption & Hashing
 Ascon is a family of authenticated encryption <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authenticated_encryption> and hashing <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptographic_hash_function> algorithms designed to be lightweight and easy to implement, even with added countermeasures against side-channel attacks. Ascon has been selected as new standard <https://www.nist.gov/news-events/news/2023/02/nist-selects-lightweight-cryptography-algorithms-protect-small-devices> for lightweight cryptography in the NIST Lightweight Cryptography competition (2019–2023) <https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/lightweight-cryptography/finalists>. Ascon has also been selected as the primary choice for lightweight authenticated encryption in the final portfolio of the CAESAR competition (2014–2019) <https://competitions.cr.yp.to/caesar-submissions.html>.

What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?—Stephen Wolfram Writings


9 februari 2023

Initial Access on Pen Tests | SANS Institute

Bra intro.
Initial Access on Pen Tests
Tim Medin will present content and lab demos from SEC560: Enterprise Penetration Testing on gaining initial access on penetration tests. The initial access mechanisms described are used by Tim and his team to successfully compromise the first system(s) on pen tests, which then leads to post-exploitation and a deeper analysis of the target network. Join him for this fun and interesting look at common methods used to compromise target systems as part of a successful enterprise penetration test.

15 januari 2023

Homepage - Hybrain

Intressant forskning

> Electronic-photonic Architectures for Brain-inspired Computing
> Shaping the future of Artificial Intelligence