31 mars 2023

Searching for RPC Functions to Coerce Authentications in Microsoft Proto...

Thresholds Are for Old Threats: Demystifying AI and Machine Learning to ...

To decrease the CPU demands for an application

 To decrease the CPU demands for an application

Save the bash script below in a file called cpulimit.sh and give it executions rights with chmod.

-----CODE START----

#! /bin/bash

# Description:

# Tested on Macos and Mac OS X.

# If you want to decrease the CPU demands for an application

# you can use this very simple and ugly "hack". 

# I use it when I e.g convert videos on my MacBook Pro, compiling things, ...

# to prevent it from getting to warm. Even if the CPU is IDLE this simple hack

# will prevent the application to use the CPU during Sleep Time

# (in contrast to renice/nice commands which will take all IDLE time). 

# Hint: To get the PID (Process ID), first run command top -u in one Terminal window.

# Usage: ./cpulimitrob.sh



echo "Which process ID (PID)? "

read pid

echo "Sleep time in seconds? "

read sleeptime

echo "Run time in seconds (e.g 0.5 or 1 …)? "

read runtime



while true


if [ $i -eq 1 ]


kill -SIGSTOP $pid

sleep $sleeptime



kill -SIGCONT $pid

sleep $runtime



echo -n $dot


---CODE END----

19 mars 2023

OpenAI checked to see whether GPT-4 could take over the world | Ars Technica

"...Preliminary assessments of GPT-4's abilities, conducted with no task-specific fine-tuning, found it ineffective at autonomously replicating, acquiring resources, and avoiding being shut down 'in the wild...'" 

6 mars 2023

It's Time to Assess the Potential Dangers of an Increasingly Connected World


It's Time to Assess the Potential Dangers of an Increasingly Connected World

With critical infrastructures ever more dependent on the cloud connectivity, the world needs a more stable infrastructure to avoid a crippling cyberattack.

CISA Red Team Shares Key Findings to Improve Monitoring and Hardening of Networks | CISA


The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is releasing this Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) detailing activity and key findings from a recent CISA red team assessment—in coordination with the assessed organization—to provide network defenders recommendations for improving their organization's cyber posture.