Mycket bra o intressant om fysiken o matematiken bakom quantum entanglement samt hur en quantum dator fungerar och dess algoritmer. Från MIT opencourse Quantum Physics 1
24. Entanglement — QComputing, EPR, and Bell - YouTube
Disclaimer: Informationen som läggs upp på denna blogg är inte jobbrelaterad utan endast av mitt eget intresse. Lägger upp eller länkar till intressanta inlägg på nätet.
29 december 2017
27 november 2017
To decrease the CPU demands for an application
Save the bash script below in a file called and give it executions rights with chmod.
-----CODE START----
#! /bin/bash
# Description:
# Tested on Macos and Mac OS X.
# If you want to decrease the CPU demands for an application
# you can use this very simple and ugly "hack".
# I use it when I e.g convert videos on my MacBook Pro, compiling things, ...
# to prevent it from getting to warm. Even if the CPU is IDLE this simple hack
# will prevent the application to use the CPU during Sleep Time
# (in contrast to renice/nice commands which will take all IDLE time).
# Hint: To get the PID (Process ID), first run command top -u in one Terminal window.
# Usage: ./
echo "Which process ID (PID)? "
read pid
echo "Sleep time in seconds? "
read sleeptime
echo "Run time in seconds (e.g 0.5 or 1 …)? "
read runtime
while true
if [ $i -eq 1 ]
kill -SIGSTOP $pid
sleep $sleeptime
kill -SIGCONT $pid
sleep $runtime
echo -n $dot
---CODE END----
30 september 2017
9 augusti 2017
25 maj 2017
4 april 2017
Threat Intel Analysis of Ukrainians Power Grid Hack
Attacken tog minsta 6 mån att utföra
IH10 Threat Intel Analysis of Ukrainians Power Grid Hack Nir Yosha - YouTube
IH10 Threat Intel Analysis of Ukrainians Power Grid Hack Nir Yosha - YouTube
4 mars 2017
19 februari 2017
12 februari 2017
Shielded VMs in Windows Server 2016
Bra beskrivning av krypterade virtual machines i Microsofts Hyper-V 2016
A closer look at shielded VMs in Windows Server 2016 | Windows Server Blog
Shielded VMs
A closer look at shielded VMs in Windows Server 2016 | Windows Server Blog
Shielded VMs
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